

My adversity is my fortune

I come from a broken home in a small village.My father was the first college student that achieved atop the city in the National Higher Ecation Entrance Examination.He is very clever and he is the son of a local public security bureau head,who has very sensitive nerves and prusuit for honor and fame.Thus as a son that is both intelligent and filial,he worked very hard and became an excellent person.My mother and my father both have very big families.And they are now still working very hard to bond that relation tight separately.Their marriage failure can be e to a mismatch of personal ill temper,family auras and different life goals.But as a child of a family this kind, after all these years,I am still feeling difficult with this hindrance.

I am now a 20-year-old girl.From my infancy to my althood,I can never ever deny myself or my father how important a mother is to her girl,a real blood-related mother,both practically and mentally.If ,say , this was my mother&39;s stake in negociation and argument with father years ago which led to their divorce,all I can say is that I CAN&39;T change it,ever,but this did lead to my misbehavior in my study performance,undoubtedly.Every reason for this mischief is that my life lacked the function of a mother, in many ways, and there is not enough that my other relatives did to compensate about the care and help.

Now I am a graate,an officially prompt social citizen,with a lot of difficulty to deal with in my life.How to adjust to my work, how to lead my family and relatives communication.You can&39;t imagine even after all these years, I could still face so afresh with my old old problems.But as promised in my heart,I WILL still make this adversity my fortune.I just need find out how.追问能不要那么坑爹是离异家庭的么追答是啊




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